Monday, October 27, 2008

Measuring Time

I have a few small things that I measure time with. External, environmental, and unique things that tell me that time is marching on. Signs that tell me that a certain time of year is back. The seasons and their telltale signs play a small role in this, but there are other things that really tell me that time has passed.

One of which is the night sky. I don't know even half of the constellations out there, but a big way that I can tell that time has gone by is the change in the night sky. Certain stars that are visible at certain times. For example, in the Autumn I can see Orion's belt pointing straight to the little dipper at about 11:00 at night, and it is in the Eastern part of the sky. At about the same time in early March, I can see it beginning to sink into the Western sky. With each passing day it gets lower and lower earlier and earlier, but at the same time, the big dipper is becoming visible too in the Northeast. By the time that Summer is near an end, the Big dipper is farther and farther into the Western horizon, but the little dipper is making it's appearance again. Full circle.

These are things I look for that don't remind me that a good time has past, but they are rather signs of forward movement: the same way the stars move across the sky. I tend to dwell on the past and think that the best times are over and gone, but looking at the stars, and even farther to the One who created them, I am reminded that though events pass, other events are on the way with their own lessons, entertainment, fun, and wisdom to build more lasting memories.

"The future is whatever you make it, so make it a good one."
-Dr. Emmett Brown

Saturday, October 4, 2008


It's been a long time. I'm going to try to be a little more consistent simply for the fact that I have loads of freetime.

Work has been good. Most of the people who work at the detention center are christians, so that makes life alot easier there. I'm also getting the hang of the job which means that my nerves are much less of a hindrance than before. I will be working more 6-2 shifts which in itself isn't that bad, but when you have to come back 10 hours later, it makes the whole experience less than enjoyable. Still, I get 40 hours a week, so I really can't complain much.

Living life in Springfield is going better. I still have alot of friends who live up in Bolivar that I try to visit as often as I can, but gas is not cheap (cheaper than it has been in a long time I'll admit). I have a few friends in Springfield, and spending time with them has meant the world to me as well. I really thrive on being social, but I'm not nearly as intentional with alot of my relationships as I'd like to be. I'm sorry. Either way though, there is much more solitude than I am used to. It is taking some adjusting to as well, but it gives you more time to be intentional with God instead of just praying in the shower. God has been good to me, and I know that he will continue to bring me through. And I also know that He'll do alot more than that if I simply let Him and follow him. Sounds like a plan, no?