I woke up at 7:50 pm today. I had my full 8 hours, but I still felt tired. Never the less, I had to get up; something important was about to happen. At 8:00 pm, a new episode of Lost was on, and I wasn't going to miss it. Sometimes I find it a little strange that something like a T.V. makes me so determined to get up out of bed when the sheets are still warm and I'd rather sleep another hour. But no matter.
I guess this post makes more sense if you watch the show, but often times I identify myself with alot of the characters on Lost. Sometimes I feel like Locke who has faith even unto death, and sometimes I feel like Jack who refuses to believe until something big and drastic comes and shakes up my "perfect" life I have made myself. In truth I am really like both of them. This also reminds me of a Caedmon's Call song "Mystery of Mercy". Good song.
More than anything I find myself feeling like all of the characters in the show at once. They are all looking to get back to something great that they once had. Most of them didn't truly appreciate it until it was gone. That something for me is something the Church would call a small group or the like. I am very blessed to have the Christian friends that I have, and without their fellowship and support I don't know what state I would be in. For that I am forever grateful. The greatest disadvantage though is that I only get to see them once every two weeks or so...some even less, and I find myself longing for something more regular. Like a weekly Bible study, or a good Sunday school class. I'm not looking to replace those that I already have; I just want something closer to home. I have found good Churches with sound teaching. Even the Sunday school classes have thought provoking conversations. Still, most of what I have found are a few people still in college or others significantly older than me. I wonder where all the Christians are that are my age because I am having a hard time finding them in a church. I know they are out there somewhere; it just feels like they all disappeared...in a bright and blinding light...
I am going to start looking again. I have been at one church, but I have become comfortable there I think. I tend to do that; I become stuck in a place. I know that what I am looking for is out there, so I will continue on. For those of you who have been there for me in Missouri, Illinois, Oklahoma, and even as far as Colorado, I appreciate the company on my journey. Because despite distance, be it minutes or hours, you have still been here with me to help me along the way. Thanks guys.
A Month After
In many ways, it feels as though the fire were yesterday, a bad dream we
may wake up from eventually. In some ways it seems like another lifetime.
While I ...
1 month ago