The plane arrived at the gate about 30 minutes after our boarding time. About 15 minutes later, we begin to board. The plane pushes away from the gate, and we're on our merry way. We don't get far though. We wait as plane after plane take off before us, but the planes are coming from behind us and cutting in front of us. The captain comes on the intercom and makes his excuses as to why we aren't taking off. The reasons don't matter and don't even check out later; bottom line is that we have to wait for an hour on the runway almost certainly having to miss our connecting flight from Chicago to St. Louis. I think to myself, "I'm not going to be home tonight. I'm going to have to sleep in dirty clothes in a strange bed. Well, it figures."
I stop figures?!? What do I mean by that? Why so cynical? I sit and reflect. I no longer am thinking of just my delayed flight but I still ask the same questions. I think about my life, goals, dreams, and how I wished for so many to come true, but what is my attitude towards them all? Not hopeful I realize. I don't feel anger, but neither do I feel hope...I feel indifference.
More planes take off.
Why do I feel this way? Have I given up on God? Have I forgotten that He cares for me? No. A definite no. But I didn't remember that He wants the best for me. I realized that I had become discouraged. I allowed broken dreams and failed plans cloud and influence the way I treated my relationship with God. He is the destroyer of human plans: to make room for His bigger ones we never thought possible. He is the eraser of small dreams: to replace them with bigger, grander ones. I realize I needed to ask for forgiveness. How blind of me to be bitter towards my thwarted plans when in all actuality it was the first step towards something so much greater.
After an hour, we are finally in the air. I realize I need an attitude adjustment; I need hope and faith again. Faith in God's character. "I'm sorry, Lord Jesus." I can instantly hear God's comforting voice. He knows what it's like to loose something important, but He also assures me that everything will be for the best. Not easy, but still rewarding and still the best path. He is glad all is well with us again. I can hear it, feel it, and see it. 

I believe.
That's great. I look forward to seeing those plans unfold. Thanks for sharing!
wow, what great thoughts. God, the destroyer of little dreams and maker of great dreams.
This is something i'll think about for a while.
Miss ya man.
Thanks for uploading those pictures, by the way. I was at the 149 mark for a while and now i'm above 150! sweet!
What a brilliant reminder. It is so easy to let dark thoughts and selfish ambition cloud our minds. Thank you for refocusing all of us. It is healthy to remember that God only destroys so that he can rebuild on solid ground.
Hey dawg. I saw The Dark Knight a couple days ago and thought of you afterward. Have you seen it? Did you like it? What did you think?!
Hope you're well MR. Francis. I'm hoping you end up in the CO area sometime soon so we can chill. But hey, it's whateva!
Take care my friend.
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